The Afinitas SmartSet CurePak helps you revolutionize your concrete production with an all-in-one solution. The CurePak is the leading solution for concrete curing and it also steams aggregates. One machine does it all so efficiently that you will use 50% less water and start saving on fuel day one.
The Benefits of Direct-Fired Steam for Heating Aggregates

Flexible system to meet your requirements. However, when you use our Direct-Fired Steam method, it eliminates exhaust going up the stack and money down the drain!
Keep your production running smoothly even in freezing temperatures. The SmartSet™ CurePak HP system can handle the toughest conditions, so you can avoid costly shutdowns and product damage. Produce all year long.
Use on bins inside or out, truck hopper or aggregate piles.
The system can easily push through wet sand and melt ice quickly. No more worries about voids left in your product. CurePak’s powerful energy force heats aggregates quicker and more efficiently.
Eliminate the need for separate curing and heating equipment saving you time, money (especially with extremely energy-efficient direct-fired steam) and space.
The intuitive CurePak control module puts everything at your fingertips. You don’t need any additional controls or expertise to operate the system.
Controlling temperature ensures consistent quality and consistent production parameters throughout the year regardless of the season. In addition, direct-fired
steam takes out the environmental variables (precipitation) that can add unnecessary moisture to your mix.
Our team of experts is available to guide you every step of the way, from initial planning to installation and operation. We stock a wide variety of parts so they are there when you need them.
Direct-fired steam eliminates excess condensate as it drains through the clamshell into the pit leaving you with consistent free water (water adhering to the exterior of the aggregate).
Upgrade your existing CurePak system to enjoy the benefits of aggregate heating without having to replace the entire unit.
Increase Production Efficiency with Afinitas Products
SmartSet Curing Systems
Afinitas SmartSet Curing Systems, including our new and improved CurePak direct-fired steam generator, will ensure the proper hydration of the cement and result in the strongest concrete possible.
Equipment & Automation
Discover the full breadth of equipment and automation options from Afinitas featuring state-of-the-art technology from the trusted HawkeyePedershaab and BFS brands. We also offer world-class service to assist with your engineering, start-up, installation and maintenance needs.
Access our videos, case studies and brochures to learn more about the products and services offered by Afinitas. In addition to pipe and precast concrete production equipment, we offer a full line of wetcast forming systems and a wide variety of concrete accesssories.