Arch Bridge End Product400
Arch End Product400
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Heavy-duty construction for use in spans and arches for bridges, underpasses, tunnels, culverts and underground containment applications. Forms can be manufactured to the custom shape and size of engineered specifications and in a variety of span and rise combinations. Single casting unit or double casting units in a twin leaf form are available. We design and manufacture all necessary additional components: wingwalls, headwalls, and endwalls. Pourable on edge or in job position.

Forming System Highlights

  • Common sizes range from 12’ arches up to 60’
  • Typical lay lengths range from 4’ to 8’ depending on size of casting
  • Fabrication from 5/16” HR steel skin reinforced with 1/2” steel formed screed rail and shoe plate, channel and formed gussets
  • Form set includes core and outside jackets with “Boss connections,” a pallet on a structural base frame, end plates and top ties and under ties as required.
  • Crane strip outside jackets from the casting.

Key Features


Why Michie Chose Our Forms

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