Box Culvert End Product400
Box Culvert End Product400
NHMF Box Culvert FormSq400-bkgd
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Precast concrete barriers and curbing forms are available in a variety of sizes and shapes to produce products for temporary or permanent vehicular and transportation construction. The forms are engineered to meet all DOT and Manual for Accessing Safety Hardware (MASH) requirements. Rugged steel construction provides proper stability and rigidity to prevent distortion. Form design ensures finished barrier conforms to required dimensions and contours. All sharp corners are chamfered. Suitable for industrial and commercial applications.

Forming System Highlights

  • Single or dual cavity forms. Typically cast upside down in a fully tapered form.
  • Single faced (1 flat side and 1 tapered side), dual Faced (2 tapered sides), transition barriers or uncommon shapes.
  • Typically cast upside down in a fully tapered form.
  • Both long sides are typically fixed but for irregular Shapes one or both sides can rollback or hinge open depending on design.
  • End doors can be flat or fabricated to cast in required connection details such as pin and loop, JJ hooks, T-lock or custom
  • Chamfer can be fitted along top or bottom edges and along the perimeter of the end door

General Note:

  • Crane stripped from above or can have turning trunnions to flip the form to strip.


  • Magnetic or bolt-on blockouts available to produce keyways, pockets, drainage slots, or anchor points.

Key Features


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