Made in the USA Drainage Grates and Trash Guards

Drainage Grates and Trash Guards

A Wide Variety of Grates and Guards Made in the USA

Afinitas is the premier supplier of American-made steel drainage grates and trash guards with a vast portfolio of options. We have the capability to custom design and manufacture grates for your specific requirements, and each option is typically made from galvanized steel but can be made from other materials such as aluminum or stainless steel. We offer grates for manholes, box culvert grates, pond skmmer grates, trash guards of many varieties, ladder safety grates, vehicle safety grates in a varriety of shapes including, round, square, elliptical and arch.

Featured Concrete Accessories
LB3819GPMade In USA – Lifting Devices
Concrete Reinforcement
Rebar Mats, Stirrup Mats, Wire Cone Cages
Grates and Guards
Box Culvert Grates, Manhole Grates, Trash Guards
Concrete Pipe Ties & Tie Rods
Concrete Spacers
Steel and Plastic - Made in the USA

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