Made in the USA Concrete Accessories

Made in the USA Concrete Accessories

Afinitas Offers Many USA-Made Steel and USA-Manufactured Concrete Accessories

Facing Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act requirements? Afinitas can help. We offer a wide variety of quality, Made in the USA products, including, lifting devices, wire cone cages, rebar mats, pipe ties-tie rods, grates, trash guards, steel and plastic spacers and more. Many are proudly manufactured at our plant in Sleepy Eye, MN.

Don’t see what you are looking for, ask about our custom manufacturing capabilities.

Featured Concrete Accessories
LB3819GPMade In USA – Lifting Devices
Concrete Reinforcement
Rebar Mats, Stirrup Mats, Wire Cone Cages
Grates and Guards
Box Culvert Grates, Manhole Grates, Trash Guards
Concrete Pipe Ties & Tie Rods
Concrete Spacers
Steel and Plastic - Made in the USA

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