Made in the USA Concrete Accessories

Made in USA Accessories

We have Made-in-the-USA Products

Facing Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act requirements? Afinitas can help. We offer a wide variety of quality, Made in the USA products, including steel and plastic spacers, wire cone cages, rebar mats, pipe ties-tie rods, grates, trash guards and more. Many are proudly manufactured at our plant in Sleepy Eye, MN.

Featured Concrete Accessories
LB3819GPMade In USA – Lifting Devices and Pocket Formers
Concrete Reinforcement
Rebar Mats, Stirrup Mats, Wire Cone Cages
Grates and Guards
Box Culvert Grates, Manhole Grates, Trash Guards
Concrete Pipe Ties & Tie Rods
Concrete Spacers
Steel and Plastic - Made in the USA

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