Equipment & Automation

Afinitas | HawkeyePedershaab | BFS

Afinitas provides concrete product production equipment from HawkeyePedershaab and BFS, industry-leading manufacturers of  innovative technology, that will help you save time and labor.

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What is Automated Concrete Construction Equipment?

Forward-thinking manufacturers like HawkeyePedershaab and BFS understand the benefits of incorporating automation into concrete pipe and manhole production—increased productivity, reduced labor inputs, predictable, repeatable quality, and more. Automated technologies in construction allow teams to do more in less time, with streamlined robotic processes that require minimal supervision and provide safer work environments. In addition, investing in automated manufacturing equipment gives you a competitive advantage and paves the way for the future of your business.

Afinitas provides global support teams dedicated to solving your challenges, whether it is designing a new plant, commissioning a new machine, retrofitting an old machine, or providing the aftermarket/replacement parts for your concrete equipment to stay up and running. Our services include:

  • Active Project Management
  • Concrete Equipment Supply
  • Equipment Start-up & Commissioning
  • Ongoing Service
  • Service Subscriptions
  • Follow-up Consulting Services
  • Aftermarket/Wear Parts


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