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Afinitas offers a wide range of of electrical external vibrators, and our HawkeyePedershaab Parts Team is available to help you find the right solution to ensure proper compaction of your concrete products. Choose between low or high frequency external vibrators, mobile or permanent installation, synchronized solutions, and almost any voltage or DC (direct current) operated vibrators.
Mobile Vibrator Solutions
The ideal way to maximize the number of vibrated forms while minimizing the equipment.
Low Frequency Vibrators (500 -3600 rpm)
Low frequency industrial vibrators generate large amplitudes combined with small, medium to very high forces. Since they can be connected directly to the main power supply (50 or 60 Hz) they do not require a frequency converter or control. That makes them useful for a wide range of applications in all industries.
High Frequency Vibrators
Our line of high frequency industrial vibrators generate amplitudes from 6.000 rpm for standard wetcast applications, up to 9.000 – 12.000 rpm specific requirements.
ICF Surface Vibrator
The ICF vibrator is a hand-held tool, which consists of a vibrator mounted on an aluminum board. After the concrete is poured in the form, the tool is then applied to the outside of the insulated concrete form. The application technique is started at the bottom of the form and moves in an upward motion. From the outside, the tool vibrates the concrete inside the form to allow air to float up and out of the concrete, creating a consolidated, compacted structure.