Lifting Anchors and Accessories for the Precast Industry
For over 30 years, Amifast, now part of the Afinitas family of brands, has provided quality products to the industrial and construction industry. Amifast supplies a full line of precast lifting anchors and accessories for the precast concrete industry. Amifast products are built on the quality and value our customers expect and are manufactured to comply with OSHA 1926.704 standards. We know these lifting accessories are critical components of larger products, and we also know the cost of failure is high. That’s why we’ve built our reputation on providing quality concrete accessories when and where you need them.
Amifast Product Lines

The Amifast Erection Head Anchor is designed for lifting and handling of thin-walled precast elements. The anchor accepts both tension and shear bars and when used will provide the respective capacities shown below. A tension bar should be used in all applications.

The Amifast Tech Erection Anchor is designed for specific applications involving thin precast elements during the edge lifting and rotation/handling process. If desired, the anchor utilizes a shear plate and a tension bar that loops through the anchor to distribute the load into the concrete. The specialized design of the anchor helps prevent spalling of the concrete and keeps the lateral loads within the anchor.

The Ring Clutch is a lifting assembly consisting of a bail, clutch, and curved bolt handle. To correctly use the clutch, slide the curved bolt to the open position, and then slide it closed when aligned with the lifting anchor opening.

Shear Bars are used in conjunction with standard anchors/lifters to increase the shear capacity, typically in thin panel applications. The Shear Bar will fit over the anchor and sit tightly against it. The addition of the Shear Bar allows for shear loads to transfer deeper into the slab to both increase capacity and reduce or prevent spalling.
The Utility Anchor is a versatile and economical insert for the lifting and handling of precast concrete elements. The ease of installation and high safe working load are a few of the many benefits of this insert.
Utility Anchors are commonly used for stripping precast elements from forms, loading and handling of elements pre and post shipment, and as a pulling iron on site. The Utility Anchor accepts a standard hook or shackle.
Proper installation is crucial for the product to provide the published safe working loads. The Utility Anchor utilizes reusable rubber recess formers to assist with proper posi-tioning during installation. Safe engagement of the anchor requires that the hook or shackle does not contact the sur-rounding concrete when loaded and the hook latch should be oriented opposite from the direction of the load.

.671″ Utility Anchor

14mm Utility Anchor
18mm Utility Anchor

The Dog Bone anchor is a high strength, economical, and low pro-file insert for lifting and handling of precast elements. The anchor utilizes forged spherical ends, one to prevent pullout under loading, and the other for lifting. The Dog Bone anchor utilizes an application specific “Lifting Eye” to attach rigging to the anchor.
The Dog Bone lifting system is ideal for applications requiring quick connect/disconnect, rotation, and repeated handling use. The lifting eye consists of a spherical head that attaches to the dog bone anchor, and a quick connect bail that attaches to the rigging. A key feature is the quick connect bail that can rotate freely through 180º degrees under load. Additionally, the spherical head, or lifting eye, has the ability to rotate 360º degrees while under load.
Due to the dynamic nature of the lifting system, use of the Dog Bone anchor for thin slab panels or edge lifting is not recommended.

Dog Bones

Eye Anchors
The Lifting Eye is a high strength steel lifting accessory for use with Dog Bone anchors. The Lifting Eye consists of a lifting body and a high strength bail which connects to the Dog Bone anchor. A key feature is the quick connect bail that can rotate freely through 180º degrees under load. Additionally, the spherical head, or lifting eye, has the ability to rotate 360º degrees while under load.
Inspection and maintenance of the Lifting Eye is recom-mended before each use. The Lifting Eye may experience excessive wear, unexpected damage, bending, twisting, misuse, or overloading during its usable lifetime which can reduce the lifting eye’s rating load. Any evidence of wear that exceeds the degree of wear based on its age and typi-cal use suggests that the lifting eye be replaced. Lifting eyes should be used with anchors from the same manufacturer.
The Lifting Loop is an economical solution for the lifting and handling of various concrete products. The Lifting Loop is installed with 2/3 of its length embedded into the concrete, with the remainder accessible for lifting. The lifter does not require any special hardware or recess members which makes it economical and a universal solution. The Lifting Loop should be used with a standard hook or clevis with a minimum diameter of twice the loop’s diameter.
Each loop is color coded based on its maximum safe working load. This allows for quick identification during production, but also in the field when elements are moved around and placed. The loop is galvanized to resist corrosion or rusting when exposed to the elements which allows for the loop to be left as is or be cut off after final placement of the element.
Ring Clutch
The Ring Clutch is a lifting assembly consisting of a bail, clutch, and curved bolt handle. To correctly use the clutch, slide the curved bolt to the open position, and then slide it closed when aligned with the lifting anchor opening.
Cable Ring Clutch
The Cable Ring Clutch is a lifting assembly consisting of a cable with swage, clutch, and curved bolt handle. To correct-ly use the clutch, slide the curved bolt to the open position, and then slide it closed when aligned with the lifting anchor opening.

The Spread Anchor utilizes a unique spread-foot design to enhance pull-out capacity and allow for 360-degree load application with adequate edge distances. The Spread Anchor is ideal for face or edge lifting of panels during stripping, handling, or horizontal to vertical rotation. Please note that the Spread Anchor can cause spalling of concrete when pulling in shear perpendicular to the void, regardless of edge distance.

The Insulated Panel Anchor is designed to be used for erection of insulated sandwich panels. This anchor has a unique de-sign for use with a sandwich style panel. It utilizes two bent shear bars extending through the anchor that distribute loads evenly to both concrete wythes, while minimizing the loss of insulation.

The Two-Hole Anchor is a low-profile insert optimized for stripping and handling of panels where spread-type anchors cannot be used. When used with a tension bar, the anchor can achieve high tension loads in low com-pressive strength, thin precast panels. The anchor may cause spalling when pulling in shear parallel to the face of the anchor therefore shear loads should be applied perpendicular to the face of the anchor at the center of the recess.

The Amifast T-Bar Anchor is another variation of the erec-tion anchor and utilizes a horizontal bar running through the anchor, which results in a T-shape. The design produces higher pullout strength than related anchors and is ideal for use in back-stripping and panel rotation applications.

The General Purpose Anchor is a simply designed anchor for use in recessed or protruding applications.

Coil Bolts have self-cleaning threads designed to match Coil Threaded Inserts, Coil Nuts, and to be used in associative ap-plications. Coil Bolts can be reused but will wear and should be maintained and inspected in-between and before uses to ensure safety.

Coil Nuts are designed to be used with Amifast Coil Bolts. To achieve the listed safe working load, two (2) Coil Nuts should be locked tightly together. If using the High Coil Nut, only one (1) Coil Nut will be needed to achieve the listed safe working load.

Coil Loop Inserts are designed for both bolted connections and lifting and handling of precast elements. The similar “Flared Loop Coil Insert” is also designed for lifting as it offers higher safe working loads.
Proper installation requires the insert to be cast perpendicular to the face of the element, with the opening to the threads level to the face of the ele-ment. Any misalignment of the insert will result in a reduction of safe working load capacity.

Flared Coil Loop Inserts are designed as primary lifting inserts. The flared loops on either side reduce the depth of embedment, reducing the concern of interference with rebar reinforcing running near the edge of the element. These inserts perform under both tensile and shear loading.
Proper installation requires the insert to be cast perpendicular to the face of the element, with the opening to the threads level to the face of the ele-ment. Any misalignment of the insert will result in a reduction of safe working load capacity.

The Ferrule Loop Insert is tapped to accept an NC threaded bolt, providing for fixation to concrete elements.
Proper installation requires the insert to be cast perpendicular to the face of the element, with the opening to the threads level to the face of the element. Any misalignment of the insert will result in a reduction of safe working load capacity.

The Straight Ferrule Loop Insert is tapped to accept an NC threaded bolt, providing for fixation to concrete elements.
Proper installation requires the insert to be cast perpen-dicular to the face of the element, with the opening to the threads level to the face of the element. Any misalignment of the insert will result in a reduction of safe working load capacity.